Official launch of the Karnak project (v. 0.1)


Chaired by Mostafa Amin, General Secretary of the SCA, Prof. Ali Radwan and Jean-Luc Lavaud, Director of the Institut Français d’Egypte, the Scientific Committee of the Centre Franco-Égyptien d’Étude des Temples de Karnak (MSA-CNRS USR 3172) was held on June 9 at Luxor. The Europe & International Division INSHS CNRS was represented by Diane Brami, In charge of International Cooperation.

At the end of this scientific committee, we are pleased to announce the opening of the Karnak project.

Initiated in January 2013, the Karnak project (CNRS, USR 3172 – CFEETK / UMR 5140, Équipe ENiM – Programme « Investissement d’Avenir » ANR-11-LABX-0032-01 Labex ARCHIMEDE) aims to organize and make available textual documentation from the temples of Karnak.

This work is based on a comprehensive inventory of documents and inscriptions from Karnak collated in the field. All the information associated with a particular document or inscription will be accessible from a single entry. This includes a typographical edition of the inscription and its transliteration, all photographs and facsimiles, as well as any archival material connected with it.

This online tool allows direct searches of the contents of the hieroglyphic inscriptions through their transliteration. It will also provide indexes and various multi-criteria searches (divinities, divine epithets, toponyms, places of worship, ethnicity, kings, anthroponyms, prosopographical elements and general vocabulary).
This first version, which includes only a limited number of documents (a little over a hundred) and only some of the features of the final tool, is the first step ofKarnak project:

Updates about the Karnak project can be found at the following link :

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Sébastien Biston-Moulin (9 juin 2013). Official launch of the Karnak project (v. 0.1). Karnak. Consulté le 14 janvier 2025 à l’adresse